Spring Brook Academy

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Lower School

Safeguarding Lead
Katie Cholewa

Katie is our Safeguarding Lead at Spring Brook Academy.  She has spent many years working within the Local Authority in a number of roles, specialising in supporting children and families to access the support that they need to flourish. 

Katie has many contacts with outside agencies such as MIND, CAMHs, Early Help and Social Care and will work with our parents to signpost them to the relevant service.  

You can get in touch with her by contacting the school office or via email:


Our Designated Safeguarding Leads are:

Head of School
Toni Thomason


Pastoral Manager & Designated Safeguarding Lead
Jackie Sanderson 



“I’m Jackie Sanderson, Pastoral Manager for Key Stage 1 and 2 at Spring Brook Academy. The main purpose of my role is to support our families/children and liaise directly with external services and professionals. I work closely with our children around any difficulties they may be experiencing and signpost or refer our children and families where specific areas of support are needed.

I also contribute to promoting attendance where some of our pupils may find it challenging to access school and work closely with support around this. I work very closely with our headteacher/deputy headteacher, Mel Rodgers and Paul Southerington around ensuring all of our children and families are safe, as well as contributing to the whole staff team ethos where we lead by example and promote positive choices by being role models to our pupils in the school environment.

It is important for me that our children feel safe, listened to and respected at all times, which results in positive and trusting relationships being built.

I also oversee referrals and contacts with the following services who support our staff, pupils and families:

Social Care
Early Help
Positive Steps
Healthy Young Minds

Attendance Improvement Service
School Nursing Team
Young carers
Virtual School”


Admissions and EHCP Coordinator
Courtney Davies

Courtney, as EHCP Co-ordinator, liaises closely with pastoral managers, form tutors, the administration team and external professionals to ensure the effective co-ordination and facilitation of an annual review of all young people’s Education, Health and Care Plans. 

Upper School

If you have any safeguarding concerns, please contact one of the Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) listed below on 0161 883 3431 without delay:

Andrew Jones (Head of Site)
James Hopkinson (Assistant Head)
Robert Mullins (Assistant Head)
Paul Wiswell (Safeguarding Lead)

You can also contact the Oldham Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) team directly on 0161 770 7777.

The contact details for the MASH teams of the other Local Authorities our young people come under are:

Manchester ~ 0161 234 5001
Bolton ~ 01204 331500
Calderdale ~ 01422 393336
Derbyshire ~ 01629 533190
Peterborough ~ 01733 864170 or 01733 864180
Rochdale ~ 0300 303 0440
Stockport ~ 0161 217 6028
Tameside ~ 0161 342 4101

  • Social Care
  • Early Help
  • Positive Steps
  • Oasis
  • Healthy Young Minds
  • Paediatrics
  • Police
  • Attendance Improvement Service
  • TOGMind
  • School Nursing Team
  • Young carers
  • Virtual School